Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Behind the eight ball

So, I've been really behind in getting posts up of my travels this summer...a few of my friends who check this blog regularly will atest to that. But I've finally gotten one missing posts finished. There will be several others to follow shortly I hope. Will let you know when they are done and where to find them if you so choose to have a look.

In any case, I've finally added photos to the post "Island Time" from Aug. 28/06. If you decide to check it out, click the link on the side bar or click:


At 8:41 pm, Blogger John Hayato said...

Hey Kay, So it's been like forever since we talked! How you been? Looks like you've been enjoying yourself. I'm still on the move but hopefully will settle soon. Take care, John

At 2:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kay, what an interesting read. Do keep it up as I will check on you again. Good to be intouch again. Grace


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